Total Body Wellness Through Orthodics

Wang Family Chiropractic provides the ability to scan your feet and provide you with custom built orthotics to help keep your life in balance. Custom orthotics are covered under most insurance plans and provide a significant improvement to individuals.  We specifically work with Foot Levelers to ensure that you have custom built orthotics to meet your own personal needs.  Foot Levelers specialize in products that are designed to improve your quality of life by individually designing Stabilizing Orthotics.

We can improve your overall health by supporting your foundation. The feet are the foundation of the body. They support you when you stand, walk, or run. Feet also help protect your spine, bones, and soft tissues from stress as you move.

By stabilizing and balancing your feet, orthotics enhance your body’s performance and efficiency, reduce pain, and contribute to your total body wellness.


Over-the-counter orthotics support only one arch in your foot. When only one arch is being supported the problem shifts to another part of your body. Stabilizing Orthotics focus on improving your overall health. They offer more than just short-term symptom relief.

Stabilizing Orthotics
 Over-the-counter  Stabilizing Orthotic
Only supports 1 arch and often overcorrects, causing more harm than good

Does not provide custom support throughout the gait cycle

Just a cushion designed to treat the symptom rather than the underlying problem

Durability is questionable, so you may spend more money over time replacing them

Offers generic solutions for a set number of foot conditions

3-arch support balances the feet, balances the body

Patented Gait Cycle System® offers custom support through each phase of your gait

Promotes optimum posture and enhances chiropractic adjustments, resulting in longer-term symptom relief

Guaranteed or your money back

Individually designed based on digital images or impressions of your feet